Transform Your Municipal Websitewith GovSites

Why Choose GovSites?

Devices displaying example of government website design
At GovSites, we believe a website is more than just a critical source of information; it’s a digital extension of your building. Our websites are designed with your citizens in mind, making it easy for visitors to navigate your site and access municipal information and services quickly. 
In addition to meeting citizen expectations, our websites offer flexible designs that can be deployed quickly and various service tiers to meet your specific needs. Whether you prefer a completely hands-off approach or want to manage your website yourself, GovSites has a solution.

Our Service Tiers

Whether you are looking for complete webmaster services, a website you can manage yourself or something in between, we have 3 distinct service tiers: 

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Complete management

  • Perfect for municipalities that do not have an IT department or dedicated webmaster, or want a completely hands-off web experience.

GovSites will work with your municipality to set up the website for you, including the migration of documents, forms, and website content. We help reorganize the content, rename documents, and eliminate outdated information so that your new website is not only fresh, but has the clean data.

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Site Management

  • Perfect for municipalities that don't mind completing their own daily updates, but want support for complex updates and site changes.

GovSites will work with your municipality to set up the website for you, including the migration of documents, forms, and website content. We help reorganize the content, rename documents, and eliminate outdated information so that your new website is not only fresh, but has the clean data.

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Hosting & Support

  • Perfect for municipalities that want to set up and manage their own site, no technical experience required.

GovSites will work with your municipality to set up the website for you, including the migration of documents, forms, and website content. We help reorganize the content, rename documents, and eliminate outdated information so that your new website is not only fresh, but has the clean data.

GovSites Complete Management

Just because your website has launched doesn’t mean our job stops there. 

Continuous Support

We provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your website is up-to-date

Daily Updates

Routine updates are completed same-day

Limitless Content Changes

Modifying content, adding new pages or changing the look of your site is as easy as sending us an email

Ongoing Optimization

We analyze how visitors are engaging with your sites to improve the way we serve and organize content

Website Development

We continue to build and improve your website after launch, allowing you to add content and optimize navigation

Regular Check-Ins

We routinely check in with our clients to remind them to review their content and adhere to best practices

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Contact Us
200 Connell Drive, Suite 1000
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922